faq’s about the tarot & their meaning

What are Tarot Cards?

Tarot decks traditionally contain seventy-eight cards, though modern variations can include additional cards. The artwork, size and design of the decks is varied, allowing readers to pick a deck that suits them best. Despite any differences in design, the traditional meanings and messages associated with each card usually remain consistent.

Traditional use of Tarot cards is not just a tool for divining the future, but rather speaking to the past and present. These cards can be used to provide useful insight into a possible future path that may be taking shape through the current circumstances.

What's In the Cards?

Tarot cards have the same values as traditional playing cards—ace through king for each suit. The only additional card is the page, which falls just below the knight (also known as the jack). The four Tarot suits are similar to those of a regular deck of cards.

The standard Tarot deck consists of four suits: wands, symbolizing spiritual or creative educational topics; swords, dealing with conflicts and tensions; pentacles, representing finances and material possessions; and cups that primarily address relationship matters and love. Additionally, there are the Major Arcana cards which delve deeper into very specific life experiences. These include the Tower, Death, and the Devil.

How Could a Tarot Card Reading Actually Help Me?

Tarot card readings have been used traditionally as a way to gain clarity and understanding about specific topics. To begin, one must first ask a question. The cards that come up in the reading can often provide insight into how the topic is unfolding in the past, present, or future. By following this process, it can be easier to bring more meaning and purpose to your life journey.

Tarot card reading can be a valuable tool for gaining deeper insight into oneself. This activity help individuals recognize potentially destructive and negative patterns in their lives, as well as discovering hidden strengths and values. Moreover, even simply asking yourself questions prior to the reading can do much the same. Thus, whether you believe in spiritual or esoteric practices or not, a Tarot card reading may aid in self-reflection and understanding.

Can Anyone Read Tarot Cards, Or Do I Have To See Someone or Go Online?

It's possible to learn how to interpret Tarot cards with a bit of initial effort. Different books will introduce you to the symbolism and message of each card, so that you can accurately read the cards yourself. As there is no special knowledge when it comes to reading Tarot, anyone willing to spend time understanding the meanings of the cards can eventually become an expert in this practice.

Successfully interpreting Tarot cards requires an understanding of their meanings, and it's perfectly acceptable to keep notes nearby while conducting a reading. Many books provide useful insights into the meaning of the cards and how to arrange them in specific spreads in order to accurately interpret them. As you become more comfortable with all of this, you can begin giving readings for yourself as well as for others.


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