How to detatch from a twin flame connection

Detaching from a twin flame connection can be difficult, but there are various approaches that can help. Because the old ‘focus on yourself’ can only take you so far. One common method is to focus on self-improvement and healing internal wounds. While focusing on your inner self is critical in detaching it’s not like you may think - try doing the inner work necessary to release attachment, using a method called the Mirror Exercise. This involves exploring one's feelings and beliefs about oneself and the twin flame connection. One can also consider purging old energy, and things and creating new memories separately. In some cases, experiencing the pain of separation is necessary to move forward.

Detachment is not pushing your twin away. The detachment is not running. What detachment is - releasing control of the outcome, surrendering to a space of peace and unconditional love. By detaching you are actually able to attract your twin because attachment is essentially another form of resistance.

So how to surrender?

#1 Make the choice

This is by far the most powerful step, letting the universe know you no longer holding onto this attachment, that you are no longer holding onto the illusion of control.

#2 Do the inner work to heal the attachment

The reason you feel attached to your twin flame is because you are seeing something in them you simply don’t see in yourself or that you feel is missing. For me, I was subconsciously seeking financial security growing up in a scarcity mindset and when I was able to provide myself my own financial security blanket, I was able to release that attachment that it could be provided to me by someone else. The method for doing the inner work to heal attachment that I recommend and use is called the Mirror Exercise.

#3 Purge old energy & old things

Once you’ve released the attachment, allow the energy to be fully released and purged out of your consciousness. That can either be through inner healing work to reflect your physical environment through purging and getting rid of old things, that no longer serve a purpose or eliminating relationships that no longer honor you and making room for things that bring you joy and vibrate at your same energy. For me, this was completely overhauling my closet and getting rid of all the clothes that no longer matched my energy. Getting rid of all those old bras that were worn and tired like old relationships and allowing myself the space to have something new and delicate.

#4 Don’t create new attachments

So, you’ve done the work, awesome! Don’t go creating new attachments to people or things - otherwise, you are likely to find yourself in a cyclical cycle over and over again. Allow the past to be the past and learn from it.

#5 focus on yourself & your life purpose

Once you’ve released the attachment you’ll feel a new sense of self - you’ve essentially closed a leaking pipe in your energy pipeline! Use this energy to invest in yourself and your purpose! For me, this was putting my energy into my kids, building my business and becoming healthy again, and taking care of myself and honestly, these gifts I’ve given myself are far beyond what any person could give me.

#6 Do things that truly feel good for you & add joy!

The moment you stop waiting for someone to show up and start being that person to yourself your entire life changes! This step allows you an opportunity to find who you are and what brings you joy without relying on someone else to give you that joy!

#7 trust the process

Know that whatever is meant to be, will and sometimes it’s not right now, and sometime’s it’s not in this lifetime, and sometime’s it’s not ever but, we are in no way of control of that process. We only find our power when we realize we have none and absolutely release it.


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