Tarot Spells for a Magical October: Harnessing the Energy of the Season

October Tarot magic

Harnessing the energy of October, a month often associated with magic, mystery, and transformation, can be a powerful and fulfilling experience. Tarot spells are a way to tap into this energy and manifest your intentions. Here are some Tarot spells for a magical October:

Harvest Blessings Spell:

  • Card: The Empress

  • Intent: To manifest abundance and gratitude.

  • Instructions: Light a green or gold candle. Place The Empress card in front of it. Meditate on all the things you're grateful for this year. Visualize your life blooming with abundance like the Empress's garden. Say your gratitude out loud and thank the universe for its blessings.

Protection and Boundaries Spell:

  • Card: The Tower

  • Intent: To protect yourself from negative influences and set strong boundaries.

  • Instructions: Hold The Tower card and imagine it as a protective barrier around you. Visualize any negativity bouncing off this barrier, unable to harm you. Say, "I am protected. My boundaries are strong." Place the card on your altar or carry it with you for continued protection.

Love and Attraction Spell:

  • Card: The Lovers

  • Intent: To attract love or strengthen an existing relationship.

  • Instructions: Place The Lovers card on your altar or under your pillow. Light a pink or red candle. Meditate on the qualities you desire in a partner or the love you want to deepen. Visualize yourself surrounded by love and harmony. Ask the universe to bring the right love into your life.

Spiritual Awakening Spell:

  • Card: The High Priestess

  • Intent: To enhance intuition and spiritual insight.

  • Instructions: Hold The High Priestess card and take several deep breaths. Close your eyes and connect with your inner wisdom. Ask for guidance and insight into any questions or challenges you're facing. Trust your intuition, as The High Priestess does. Journal your thoughts and experiences afterward.

Releasing Spell:

  • Card: Death

  • Intent: To release old patterns, habits, or burdens.

  • Instructions: Write down what you want to release on a piece of paper. Place The Death card on top of it. Light a black candle and burn the paper, visualizing the old energy transforming and dissolving. As it burns, say, "I release what no longer serves me. I welcome transformation and growth."

Full Moon Manifestation Spell:

  • Card: The Moon

  • Intent: To harness the power of the full moon for manifestation.

  • Instructions: On the night of the full moon, go outside or sit by a window where you can see the moon. Hold The Moon card and focus on your desires. Imagine them as clear and attainable. Speak your intentions aloud, believing they will come to fruition. Thank the moon for its energy.

Remember that the effectiveness of these Tarot spells lies in your intention, belief, and focus. Perform them with a pure heart and a clear mind, and trust in the magic of the universe to work with you to manifest your desires during this enchanting October season.


The Dance of Light and Dark: Navigating October with Shadow Work


Tarot for Decision Making: Finding Clarity in Difficult Situations