The Beginner's Guide to Understanding Tarot Spreads: A Step-by-Step Explanation

Harnessing the Knowledge

Understanding tarot spreads is a fundamental aspect of reading tarot cards. Tarot spreads are layouts or patterns that determine how the cards will be drawn and interpreted during a reading. Here's a step-by-step explanation to help beginners understand tarot spreads:

Select a Tarot Deck

Begin by selecting a tarot deck that resonates with you. There are various decks available, such as the Rider-Waite Tarot, Thoth Tarot, or more modern interpretations. Ensure that your deck includes a guidebook or resource to help you learn the meanings of the cards.

Choose a Tarot Spread

There are many tarot spreads to choose from, each designed to address different types of questions or aspects of life. Some popular spreads for beginners include:

  • One-Card Spread: Simple and great for daily insights or quick questions. Draw one card and interpret its meaning.

  • Three-Card Spread: This spread can represent past, present, and future or the situation, action, and outcome. Draw three cards and interpret them in relation to the question.

  • Celtic Cross Spread: More complex and versatile, the Celtic Cross involves ten cards and provides a deeper, more comprehensive reading. Each card placement has a specific meaning.

  • Relationship Spread: Designed for questions related to love and relationships, this spread often uses multiple cards to explore various aspects of a relationship.

  • Career Spread: Focuses on career and work-related questions, using card placements to assess your current situation and potential outcomes.

Prepare the Space

Find a quiet and comfortable space to perform your tarot reading. Ensure that you are free from distractions and can focus on the cards and your question.

Shuffle the Cards

While concentrating on your question or intention, shuffle the cards thoroughly. Some readers like to cut the deck after shuffling. You can also choose to "clear" the deck by tapping or blowing on it to infuse it with your energy.

Draw the Cards

Depending on your chosen spread, draw the specified number of cards from the deck. Place them face down in the positions designated by the spread.

Interpret the Cards

Begin by interpreting each card in its position within the spread. Consider the card's symbolism, imagery, and its traditional meanings. Pay attention to how the cards relate to each other and the question you asked. Intuition plays a significant role in interpretation.

Consider Reversed Cards

Some readers choose to read reversed (upside-down) cards differently from upright cards. Reversed cards can indicate blockages, challenges, or a need to pay special attention to the card's meaning.

Tell a Story

As you interpret each card, weave them together to create a narrative that answers your question or provides insight into the situation.

Reflect and Learn

After your reading, take some time to reflect on the insights gained. Keep a tarot journal to track your readings and see how they unfold over time. This will help you improve your skills and understanding of the cards.


Tarot reading is a skill that improves with practice. Regularly conduct readings for yourself and, if possible, for others to gain confidence and experience.

Remember that tarot readings are subjective and open to interpretation. The key is to trust your intuition and develop your personal connection with the cards over time. Tarot spreads are tools that guide your reading, but the magic comes from your unique insights and understanding of the cards' symbolism.


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