The Ultimate Guide to Using Tarot for Decision Making: A Step-by-Step Approach

Using tarot cards for decision-making can be a fun and introspective way to gain insight into your life choices. While tarot is not a substitute for rational thinking and careful consideration, it can offer a unique perspective and help you connect with your intuition. Here's a step-by-step approach to using tarot for decision-making:

Step 1: Set Your Intention

Before you begin, it's essential to have a clear intention for your tarot reading. What specific decision or question are you seeking guidance on? Write it down or hold it in your mind.

Step 2: Choose Your Tarot Deck

There are many different tarot decks available, each with its own symbolism and energy. Choose a deck that resonates with you, as this will make your connection to the cards stronger. The Rider-Waite Tarot deck is a popular choice for beginners.

Step 3: Prepare Your Space

Find a quiet and comfortable space to conduct your reading. Light a candle, burn some incense, or engage in any ritual that helps you focus and create a sacred atmosphere.

Step 4: Shuffle the Cards

Shuffle the tarot cards while concentrating on your question or intention. You can shuffle them in your hands or on a table. Do this until you feel the cards are ready.

Step 5: Draw Your Cards

You can use a simple one-card draw or a more complex spread, such as a three-card or Celtic Cross spread. For decision-making, a three-card spread often works well:

- Card 1: Past influences on the situation.

- Card 2: Present influences and factors to consider.

- Card 3: Potential outcomes or guidance for the future.

Step 6: Interpret the Cards

Lay the cards face up and interpret their meanings. You can use a tarot guidebook or rely on your intuition. Remember that each card can have different meanings depending on its context within the spread.

Step 7: Trust Your Intuition

Tarot readings are a combination of card meanings and your intuition. Trust your gut feeling and the images and emotions the cards evoke. Sometimes the answer might be subtle and not immediately obvious.

Step 8: Reflect and Analyze

Think about how the cards' meanings relate to your decision or question. Pay attention to any patterns, symbols, or themes that emerge.

Step 9: Make Your Decision

After your tarot reading, use the insights you've gained to inform your decision-making process. Remember that tarot is a tool for guidance, not a crystal ball that predicts the future. Ultimately, the decision is yours to make.

Step 10: Act on Your Decision

Once you've made your decision, take action. Trust in the process and have confidence in your ability to make choices that align with your values and goals.

Step 11: Record Your Reading

Keep a journal of your tarot readings, including the cards drawn, your interpretations, and the outcomes of your decisions. This can help you track your progress and learn from your experiences.

Step 12: Seek Clarity

If you're still unsure or need further clarification, you can perform additional tarot readings or seek guidance from a professional tarot reader.

Remember that tarot is a tool for self-reflection and insight. While it can be a valuable part of your decision-making process, it should be used in conjunction with critical thinking and careful consideration of your options. Trust yourself, and let tarot be a supportive element on your journey.


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