Manifestation & how to get what you really fucking want

I remember sitting on my couch having this desire to have so much more than I did. I could feel in my bones this desire that was aching within me to have more. It was a sensation I just could not satiate. That was, until I found…manifestation and exactly how to make it work for me and not against me.

You see a lot of times people spend time in fear based thought, anxiety and worry. While, it may seem inconsequential it’s those very words we think and feel that create our reality…it’s our fucking vibration! So once we realize we are 100% in charge of where we are and can take accountability for the good, bad and indifferent it’s the first step in realizing the power was within you the entire time.

So, when we look at manifestation it isn’t just about creating a vision board or writing down some affirmations. While those things are great, manifestation is something you live, eat and breathe on the daily. It becomes so ingrained in your belief system that not having that desire no longer becomes an option as there is only one path forward. As Amanda Frances says, “If you desire it, it is meant for you”

Stretch What You Feel Is Possible

If you reach for the bottom, that is what you will achieve. And if you reach for the top, that’s what you’ll get. You will receive what you ask for. You are in the process of manifesting your dreams through visualization. It would be as if you decided to go shopping at Neiman Marcus. First, you would pick the clothing that is aligned with your style, not what is aligned with you budget, but your style.

You see, what you need to do here is stretch your perception of yourself and what you see as possible. The way you see yourself and the way others see you are two different things. When your Higher Self is in action, you don’t focus on a limited thought pattern.

By manifesting your desires you’re being called to expand every version of yourself. By asking for what you want, you’re expanding. And, trust this isn’t always easy but, without asking you are unable to expand to the next level of your journey and ascension process. If you’re unsure where to focus…focus on the place in your life where you know you need to grow because there is a sense of stagnancy around you. Take the time to write down your pain points and explore what your reality is and what your true desires are. It is safe to ask for the outcome for highest good of all and trust that this will come to you without having any attachment to the HOW of that happening. The more you practice expanding your vision of what is possible, more becomes possible.

And, on the contrary if absolutely nothing is coming to you…that is ok too. Spirit is showing there is resistance around your ability to receive because more than likely on some level you don’t feel worthy so subconsciously you do not allow your mind to dream that it is possible for yourself. If this is the case, I invite you to make a list with two columns. One column with the reasons you don’t feel you deserve what it is you think you may want and in the second column why that simply isn’t true. By doing this short exercise.

Here are 3 simple steps to get into the act of manifesting

1. Explore places in your life where you have not yet dared to ask for your dreams.

2. Affirm to the Universe, either through visualization, meditation, or in writing that you are formally asking for and are open to receiving whatever it is that you most desire.

3. Keep track of what you received and when.


I am an Associate Creative Director with 10+ years of industry experience in Boston, Los Angeles and Seattle. In that time, I have led the digital vision on numerous high-profile projects. Enter my site and you'll see some of those projects yourself!

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