how to start reading tarot cards

You’re not the first person whose spiritual journey has led them to want to learn the art of tarot. Welcome. Tarot requires no special abilities or talents; just you and your intuition. Tarot can give us insight into things, can help us make difficult decisions, manifest goals, and even shine a light on parts of ourselves that are hidden from us. With a little time and learning, you too can harness the power of this spiritual art and with it, create a beautiful life. With tarot, you can even help guide others on their own unique life paths. So, without further ado, let’s get into some basics.

What Is Tarot?

Tarot is a form of cartomancy. Practitioners use these tarot cards to help see deeper into their past, present, or even future. Typically, you open with a question, then the cards will give you some insight into the answer that you seek. Tarot can help you overcome obstacles, it can shine a light on the path you should take, and help you to even move on from something that you might be stuck on. Every spiritual lesson that we that we meet in our lives can be found and explained in these 78 cards.

A tarot deck consists of 78 different cards. Each card has their own unique symbols and imagery, all with different meanings. Once you’ve purchased a deck, the first thing you will need to do is familiarize yourself with the cards. It can be a little overwhelming to learn 78 different cards, but with practice comes familiarization. Learning the art of tarot can take time, but if you practice a little bit, each day, you’ll pick it up quickly enough.

The layouts…

The way you read your tarot cards can create many different kinds of readings. There are 5 different layouts that you will learn, and each of these ways will create different kinds of readings.

-The Basic 3 card layout: This tarot layout is one of the easiest to perform. You can use this layout to answer simple, direct questions, or get some insight in a hurry.

                - The 7 Card Horseshoe Spread: This layout is much like the first one, but it gives you a more detailed and advanced reading. It takes a little longer to perform, and there a bit more to read, but if you want a deeper insight, then this is the spread you’ll want to use.

                -The Romany Spread: This layout will give you insight to your past, present, and future. This layout is wonderful if you’re feeling stuck in life or feeling lost. This spread can give you a lot of insight into how each area of your life all plays a part in one another. It can be a very helpful tool to figure out where you’re going.

                -The Celtic Cross Layout: This layout is one of the more complex ones. You will use this if you want a very deep insight into something. This spread breaks every single part of the problem down for you. It’s like putting your issues on a microscope. This layout can be helpful if you’ve been lost for a while and another spread just didn’t seem to give you enough insight.

                -The Pentagram Spread: This layout you will want to use to find more spiritual or mystical answers. When none of the other layouts feel like they fit, you’ll want to use this one. This layout is considered sacred in the art of tarot.

So, when you’re thinking of a question that you want to ask the tarot cards, think about which layouts might be the most beneficial. This can help you to create the best readings, with the best insight. And don’t worry if you think you’ll pick the wrong one. A huge part of tarot is intuition. It’s that gut feeling, so if you feel like a certain layout is calling you, don’t ignore it. The tarot will speak to you…you just need to learn to listen.

Create a good energy…

Your tarot readings might not be as accurate as you want them to be, if the energy where you’re reading your cards isn’t a good energy. Creating a healthy energy is vital to a good reading. Your best readings will come with a clear mind and a light heart. If you’re struggling with negative emotion, meditate or try to read at another time.

The different types of cards…

Major Arcana: There are 22 major arcana cards in a deck of tarot. These cards can reveal the big picture in life. These cards give you the solid answers to those nagging questions.

The Wands: There are 14 The Wands cards. These cards give you insight into what direction you should go. They tell you whether or not you should move forward, or hold back.

The Cups: There are 14 of these ones. These cards help to process emotions and feelings. They can help you navigate your ups and downs.

The Swords: There are also 14 of these cards as well. The Swords cards help you to navigate heartache and conflict.

The Pentacles: There are 14 of these cards. The Pentacles can tell you all about your finances, your health, work, domestic life, and your goals.   

Good luck on your journey!

It may seem a little overwhelming, but remember, practice makes perfect. Soon you’ll be on your way and you’ll be able to manifest a whole new life, through the art of tarot.


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